What sets apart a real estate agent from a buyer's agent as the primary distinction?

The primary distinction between a real estate agent and a buyer's agent lies in the parties they advocate for. A buyer's agent is dedicated to representing the buyer, actively searching for properties and skillfully negotiating purchases on their behalf.

Conversely, a real estate agent primarily serves the seller, often referred to as the vendor. Real estate agents are subject to licensing requirements, while buyer's agents typically operate in a less regulated environment. At Command Property, we offer a unique blend of these roles. While we hold licenses as real estate agents, we also take on the role of advocates for investors, diligently securing the most suitable investment properties to meet their specific needs.

How does Command Property ensure its credibility and reliability as a real estate agency?

It's crucial to have confidence in the agency you choose to work with. To ensure credibility, start by verifying that the agency possesses a valid real estate license. Additionally, consider the agency's longevity in the field and take note of feedback from previous clients.

Take into account the agency's staffing and client base as well. Any investment suggestions should be substantiated with data and research, which should be readily available. At PCommand Property, we are a licensed real estate agency led by seasoned industry experts with decades of experience.